O MacGuffin: Tudo

terça-feira, fevereiro 15, 2005


Com a devida vénia, reproduzo o poema de James Doherty (poeta irlandês), publicado no Tradução Simultânea, do meu caro Nuno Miguel Guedes. Sim Nuno, está lá tudo.

I’d Swear For Her
I'd swear for her,
I'd tear for her,
The Lord knows what I'd bear for her;
I'd lie for her,
I'd sigh for her,
I'd drink Lough Erne dry for her;
I'd 'cuss' for her,
Do 'muss' for her,
I'd kick up a thundering fuss for her;
I'd weep for her,
I'd leap for her,
I'd go without any sleep for her;
I'd fight for her,
I'd bite for her,
I'd walk the streets all night for her;
I'd plead for her,
I'd bleed for her,
I'd go without my 'feed' for her;
I'd shoot for her,
I'd 'boot' for her,
A rival who'd come to suit for her;
I'd kneel for her,
I'd steal for her,
Such is the love I feel for her;
I'd slide for her,
I'd ride for her,
I'd swim against wind and time for her;
I'd try for her,
I'd cry for her,
But - hang me if I'd die for her
Or any other woman!

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