sábado, outubro 23, 2004


I present you Mr Noam Chomsky:

”As for "Communism" -- meaning, the form of state-led extremely reactionary development instituted by Lenin and carried forward by Stalin and his successors -- it's true that the US did intervene, along with other Western powers, in 1918, and there is a complex relation since. The intervention was pretty much of the normal North-South variety (though different in scale, of course): The Bolsheviks were pursuing a path of independent development in what had been a virtual economic colony of the West, which is intolerable in itself, and furthermore, there was great fear, well into the 1960s, that development was so successful that it would serve as a model for others, even within the industrial countries.”

1. O comunismo começa por aparecer entre comas e é retratado como um modelo “de desenvolvimento extremamente reaccionário levado a cabo pelo Estado”. Prémio “Eu Sou Um Ás Na Utilização De Eufemismos”.

2. Segundo Chomsky, os EUA e outras forças ocidentais intervieram com o receio de que o tal modelo “extremamente reaccionário” alcançasse um tal sucesso que passaria a servir de modelo para outros países, incluindo os industrializados. Prémio “Eu Sou Capaz De Proferir As Maiores Barbaridades E Continuar Rodeado De Séquitos E Alegres Patetas”.

Conclusão inicial, imediata, certificada: o homem não está bom da cabeça.

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