O MacGuffin

terça-feira, março 16, 2004

Escreve Michael Radu na Frontpage Magazine:
"First the mendacity - “We want the truth before voting!” The bombings occurred on Thursday, and the government was rapidly moving the investigation ahead. French, British, American and Israeli help was requested and received; the Moroccan government, normally not in good relations with Madrid, was cooperating; and arrests were being made. The government, naturally enough, was in the midst of dealing with a humanitarian disaster, while openly informing the public of both main directions of investigation – ETA and Islamic terrorists. No government could have done better or differently, and there were no “lies.”
Second, the stupidity - “Our dead, your war!” screamed ignorant youths with “Peace” signs. Translation: Aznar’s participation in the war against Islamic terrorism and Saddam’s criminal regime was responsible for the deaths on Thursday. To begin with, that assumes that the demonstrators knew better than the government who the perpetrators were, and that they were Islamists – an assumption based on flimsy evidence. While there are some indications that an Islamist group was behind the attacks – and three Moroccan and two Indian Muslims were arrested – that is far from sufficient. The al-Qaeda associated group that initially claimed responsibility for the bombings, has also claimed it for last August’s New York area blackout – a patently false claim. On the other hand, there are also strong indications that ETA could have been behind it, despite its denials.
Further, it assumes that fighting terrorism produces terrorism, an argument repeated here by a number of Democrats and other war opponents who believe that removing Saddam made al-Qaeda mad. Finally, “your war” clearly means Aznar’s, and implicitly America’s war and thus places the blame not on Islamists but on those opposing them, and demonstrates once again the intensity of the mindless anti – Americanism haunting Europe. Never mind that Bin Laden has, for years, declared that he sees the Islamic “recovery” of Al Andalus (Muslim Spain and Portugal of the 8th – 15th centuries) as one of his goals. Are those clueless or ill intentioned sloganeers suggesting that Aznar should have returned Spain to Muslim rule in order to prevent the Madrid attacks? This is defeatism of the basest kind."

Entretanto, Francisco Louçã vomitou mais um pouquinho da sua demagogia e hipocrisia ao dizer que "o primeiro destes dirigentes [os «da guerra», claro está] submetido a votos, desapareceu perante a coragem dos...". Blá blá blá. À imagem do que aconteceu no 11 de Setembro, interessa agora esquecer tudo em nome da propaganda e de uma retórica mendaz. O 11 de Março já lá vai e tudo se passou como se nada tivesse acontecido. Louçã esquece (esquece?) que no dia 10 de Março de 2004 o PP ia à frente em todas as sondagens, mesmo com a «cimeira da mentira», mesmo com o apoio a Bush e mesmo com os cerca de 1.500 soldados espanhóis a combater no Iraque. Ignora, tipo chico-esperto, que a dor e o receio emanados do 11 de Março e tudo o que a seguir se passou (o aproveitamente reles do atentado por parte da esquerda (radical?), as distorções de ordem moral sobre a culpa, as manifestações ilegais à margem do Estado de Direito, as insinuações caluniosas dirigidas a Aznar, as teorias da conspiração, etc. etc.) condicionaram as eleições em Espanha de forma indelével. E Louçã espera, agora e também, que outros governos da «guerra» caiam para que a debandada do Iraque (condição exigida por Bin Laden e, segundo Louçã, causa primeira do «castigo» e condição essencial para a «Paz») seja uma realidade. Que feliz que está Louçã.

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